All products in the webshop aims to strengthen your inner self and inspire you to expand. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email us on contact@zoeland.org. What would you like to gift yourself or someone else?


21-day Healing Program May 2022


Shifting from 3D to Multidimensionality through the Zero Point Energy (mp3)


Cosmic Language

Cosmic Language consists of energy light codes, a channeled form of Sacred Geometry that exists in words and sounds that will help you in the Ascension process.

Zoë’s Cosmic Language


Be an Attractive Magnet™

Here you will find all the recordings in the Be an Attractive Magnet™ series. Lift the law of attraction to a master level!

Soul Vibration Marketing™

Learn powerful energy techniques to boost your business and lift the law of attraction to a master level!

Healing Meditations

Listen to these powerful guided meditations where you also get healing at the same time.

DNA activations

Activate and upgrade your DNA with the codes of Atlantis, which will also activate the New Golden Cosmic Network. Online transfers.


Here you will find crystals that are programmed according to Zoë’s Atlantean Crystal Technology, which is based on Zoë’s memories from Atlantis. Take part of the crystals with magic powers that Zoë has programmed with codes and strong energies.

Jack Canfield praises Zoë´s work

Jack interviews Zoë in his home in Santa Barbara, CA. They talk about the Best-Selling book Mastering the Art of Success, which they co-wrote in 2017. Zoë and Jack discuss our success potential from an energy perspective and Zoë´s new release Soul Vibration Marketing™, which she also presents in the book.

Additionally, Zoë shares the basics of her magical work Be an Attractive Magnet™ and Soul Vibration Marketing™, which has led her to her great success.

Get a FREE gift from Zoë: The Heart Meditation

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